Travel & Tourism

Travel and Tourism field involves hospitality management, tour management, travel management etc. It has endless job opportunities in India as large number of heritage, cultural and other tourists throng the country every year.

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Aviation & Hospitality

Aviation hospitality jobs include airport management too which is a huge responsibility that ensures safe and smooth transportation of passengers, goods and cargo. As an airport management professional, you get great hospitality career opportunities at domestic and international airports and various airlines.

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Crash Courses

We provide some of the best crash courses that are short and fun to learn. These crash courses are very useful in the professional line of work. Doing this course will help in many differet way.

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Other Courses

We provide some of the other extra crash courses that are also short and fun to learn. These other courses are very useful in the professional line of work. Doing this course will help in many differet way.

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Software course will help you to learn the process of building, designing, and modifying computer software. Software development includes using programming languages to write and create different software. And also how to use them.

P.G. Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: Graduation Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Advanced Diploma in Computer Application (ADCA)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Office Automation & Publishing (DOAP)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Basic Computer Application (BCA)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Financial Accounting (DFA)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Advanced Diploma in Graphics & Animation (ADGA)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Web & Graphic Design (DWGD)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Desk Top Publishing (DTP)

Duration: 4 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Basic Website Development (Without Coding)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Advanced Website Development

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Basic Mobile App Development (Without Coding)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Advanced Mobile App Development

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Basic Digital Marketing

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Advanced Digital Marketing

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


This hardware couser helps you learn Computer Hardware Maintenance. Also how handle different Hardware & Networking form this course.

Certificate in Hardware & Networking (CHN)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance (DCHM)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Advanced Diploma in Hardware & Networking (ADHN)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Beautician courses offer you a complete set of multiple courses dealing with Personal Grooming, Makeup, Skin Treatment, Hair Styling, Nail Arts, etc.

Certificate in Beauty Concept (CBC)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 8Th Appeared Or Above

Advanced Diploma in Beautician (ADB)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Make-up Artist

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Fashion Designing

Fashion design course is a course that covers the art of designing beautiful clothing and fashion accessories. These courses look at the work of famous designers and the culture of the time to show students how great fashion designs come to be.

Diploma in Fashion Designing (DFD)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Fashion & Textile Technology (DFTT)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Interior Designing

Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space. An interior designer is someone who plans, researches, coordinates, and manages such enhancement projects.

Diploma in Interior Designing (DID)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Advanced Diploma in Interior Designing (ADID)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above


This tailoring course designed for people who wish to learn various design patterns to make garments. Here all the necessary and important dresses for everyday use is taught.

Certificate in Sewing Machine Operator (CSMO)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Basic Cutting & Tailoring (CBCT)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Cutting & Tailoring (CCT)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Basic Embroidery (CBE)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Mass Communication

Mass communication we provide help you learn to practiced multiple mediums, such as radio, television, social networking, billboards, newspapers, magazines, books, film, and the Internet.

Diploma in Mass Communication & Journalism (DMCJ)

Duration: 12 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Basic Journalism (CBJ)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Broadcast Journalism (DBJ)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Jewellery Desgining

Jewellery design is the art or profession of designing and creating jewellery. ... Traditional hand-drawing and drafting methods are still utilized in designing jewellery, particularly at the conceptual stage.

Certificate in Jewellwery Designing (CJD)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Diploma in Gems & Jewellery Designing (DGJD)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10Th Appeared Or Above

Spoken English

Learn English Speaking form ACE to improve your Spoken English. Speak English fluently with our Spoken English lessons which has the best faculty for Spoken English.

Certificate in English Speaking (CES)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Travel & Tourism

Travel and Tourism field involves hospitality management, tour management, travel management etc. It has endless job opportunities in India as large number of heritage, cultural and other tourists throng the country every year.

Certificate in Travel Management (CTM)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Aviation & Hospitality

Aviation hospitality jobs include airport management too which is a huge responsibility that ensures safe and smooth transportation of passengers, goods and cargo. As an airport management professional, you get great hospitality career opportunities at domestic and international airports and various airlines.

Diploma in Aviation & Hospitality Management (DAHM)

Duration: 6 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Certificate in Basic Hospitality Management (CBHM)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Crash Course

We provide some of the best crash courses that are shart and fun to learn. These crash courses are very use in your professional line of work. Doing this course will help in many differet way.

Windows Application

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

MS Office (Word, Excel & Power Point)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

DTP (Corel Draw, Page Maker, Regional language typing)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Programming with C

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

OOP with C++

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Internet Application

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Graphics Designing (Photoshop & GIF animation)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Data Structure

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Hardware Basics

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

MS Access

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above

Spoken English

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Java Script

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Core Java

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

V.B. Net

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

V.B. (Professional)

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Advance Java

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Advanced Programming

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Basic Video & Sound Editing

Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: HSLC Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above


Duration: 3 Months
Eligibility: 10+2 Appeared Or Above

Microsoft Word

Duration: 1 Months
Eligibility: 8Th Appeared Or Above

Other Courses

We provide some of the extra othre courses that are short and fun to learn. These other courses are very useful in the professional line of work. Doing this course will help in many differet way.


Duration: 1 Months
Eligibility: 8Th Appeared Or Above